Hiking Sweden, Guided Hiking in Southern Sweden

Booking rules

We offer full refund up to 2 weeks before your arrival. You can cancel for whatever reason you want and we do not ask any questions.
This means that you can book now and if you regret it, just cancel and you will get all the money back.
We do not want to charge if you do not feel it is time to come. If you want to cancel your activity or trip, you have a few different options: You can change to a new date within 18 months.
In this way, you keep your booking value with us and also avoid any price increases that may occur within the next two years.
You may cancel and get a 100% refund.
Contact Anders at anders@hikingsweden.se and he will help you.

You have free cancellation until two weeks before your arrival.
After that, we do not give a refund, but you can contact your insurance company to see if you are entitled to compensation.

Yes, you can change the date up to two weeks before arrival.

All activities, transfers and additions will henceforth be called "travel".
All bookings are made with Recreation Sverige, the company that owns

Hiking Sweden

We are a tour operator with headquarters in Sweden and have organization number 670913-4735.
Recreation Sverige & Hiking.nu will henceforth be called us or the company.
All information provided on the website is, as far as we know, correct at the time of publication.
We will give you advice on any changes to your booking which we believe may affect your experience of the trip. Additional information Nature experiences can unfortunately not be fully guaranteed. Although we try to recommend periods when the chance is greatest, we can not guarantee that you will experience what you have come to mind, such as wild animals.
Outdoor activities are to some extent dependent on the weather. If we have to cancel a special activity due to extreme weather, we will offer an alternative activity that is as equivalent as possible.

Note that ev. changes can be made at short notice, even on the same day.

Your obligations as a guest
Remember that the contact information you provide when booking is the only one we have to be able to contact you. Make sure they are correct!
Check your booking confirmation so that all dates & times match what you have ordered. If not, contact us immediately to correct any mistakes.
Follow the rules and instructions that apply to accommodation, travel, activities, etc.
You are responsible for all damages that you or your company cause due to negligence regarding equipment and property belonging to Hiking.nu/Recreation in Halland
When you make your booking, let us know if you are in any way disabled, have food allergies or other disabilities we may need to know. Be as specific as you can if you need any type of assistance / aids before arrival.
We expect our guests to be sober during our activities. Our guide will exclude participants who are obviously under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Complaints / Disputes
All errors that occur during your visit must be reported immediately to the staff at Hiking Sweden
If you have not reported any complaints or errors during the time of your visit and thus have not given Hiking Sweden the chance to correct any mistakes, you can not claim compensation afterwards.
If you are not satisfied with the compensation you have received, you must notify Hiking Sweden in writing within 14 days of returning home.

Force majeure
Force Majeure is means unexpected or unpredictable events and effects that can not be handled in the usual way, which prevent someone from doing what they have intended or committed to. Circumstances that the organizer could not reasonably have foreseen and thus avoided, such as (but not only) war, threats of war, riots, civil disobedience or strike, government decisions, terrorism, nature or industrial disasters, fires, extreme weather conditions, flooding, closed airports, technical problems, maintenance problems, or unforeseen changes in air-train-bus operators, such as changes in timetables, interruptions in IT infrastructure (valid but not limited to our website).
Under these circumstances, the organizer is considered free from liability.

Price changes
Hiking Sweden reserves the right to change times, prices, bookings or discounts if necessary.
Prices for future seasons are always preliminary and may change.

Wildlife and good food in harmony